Chairs and their Effective Use as a Prop – Workshop with Juliana Fair

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Chairs and their Effective Use as a Prop - Workshop with Juliana Fair

The chair has endless and valuable uses in an Iyengar Yoga practice.

For the beginner, someone with or recovering from injury, a person with other limitations or general fatigue, knowing how to use the chair enables one to start or to continue ones practice.

For a more experienced practitioner, it can illuminate weak or tight areas and enable an asana to be held longer without dropping into old samskaras(habitual ways of doing things that are not always constructive).

In the workshop in Nov 2019, Juliana focused on using the chair as a prop in standing poses. Follow up sessions focused on using the chair as a prop for inversions, twists and backbends will be offered during the Winter 2020 session at Unity Woods Yoga Center in Arlington, VA. Watch this space for updates.

AdhoMukhaSvanasana: Taller people may need more than one blanket so that the back of the chair is at the top of the thigh bone, not on the pelvis. Place hands on the chair and tip pelvis over the chair. Feet could touch the wall based on leg length and flexibility. The focus is on getting the sit bones up so that pelvis is in line with the spine. Good for balancing the pelvis and traction for lower back.

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